Monday, October 28, 2013

Slingshot Rebound and Tom Yum Soup

I recently competed in a bodybuilding competition. The prep was 16 weeks of specific and strict dieting along with aggressive training. I transformed my body through diet and exercise. It was by far the most dedicated I've been to something for myself. It was a decision - followed by determination.

I'm on the rebound now. My body was running at such high performance that when I pulled back on my training and diet regiem I feel that my body took a big huge deep breath and a sigh in relief. After my show I didn't let up on my gym time until I got sick. Being sick is forcing me to not train, to slow down and work to find the balance.

My go to for being body-achy-sinus-teeth hurt kinda of sick are:
I used this recipe tonight for the Tom Yum Soup

  • 2 low fat cans of organic coconut milk
  • 1 reg organinc coconut milk
  • 2 chicken breast (about 1 lb) - 1/2 cubed chicken breast when brother was simmering
  • 1 package of Shiritaki noodels - low carb baby! 
  • reg sliced mushrooms
  • used almost the entire jar of red curry (Thai Kitchen)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Overnight Chocolate Oats - It's what's for breakfast Yo!


I love breakfast and it's the one meal that I will never, ever, ever skip. I don't think i could and still be a nice person. 

I have skipped breakfast a couple of times, but not on purpose. When doing fasted cardio in the AM if my gym time gets pushed back - I'm a hot mess afterwards. It's not pretty and lesson learned!

With the new year comes new resolutions commitments. One of my commitments for this year is to respect more what my body is telling me when I eat, "insert digestively aggravating food here", and simply, not eat it.

This has lead me to be dairy, gluten and legume free - for now. So far it has worked wonders in my physical overall health and an unexpected benefit to my mood as well. I'm less (bitchy) moody throughout my day.

I try as much as possible to prepare my meals in advance. This is a great throw together breakfast to make the night before. I've also made and eaten a couple of hours later with it being just as good.

My version:

1/3 cup GF oats
1 to 1 1/2 cup Coconut Milk - I use Trader Joe's brand or So Delish
Frozen banana - *melt and smash
About 1 TBL of cocoa powder
2 TBL Chia Seeds
Splash of vanilla
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Sweetener of choice to taste, if needed

* I buy bananas by the boatload and freeze, they are a great way to sweeten anything. Take a frozen banana and melt, gives you a carmelie, sweet - undeniably whole food sweetener. 

** i'm really tired of the "what's best for you sweetener" debates

Original recipe: